Hopefully I
I'll add pictures but for now I'll just discuss a few things we did. We flew Alaskan Airlines early in the morning to Oahu, Abigail did awesome, of course she is an awesome little one and flying in planes is second nature now. We got there and checked into the Waikiki Marina Resort at the Illikai, which I would recommend to anyone, full kitchen, on the part of Waikiki that isn't super crowded, close to shopping and you get picked up first for everything. It was WAY cheaper than the Hale Koa, which we frequented for the PX, so it was a good deal.
We had a few beach days, we also went to Paradise Cove for a luau which was awesome (for our anniversary), we also went to the zoo the same day,
We saw a lot of the same thing too! That's funny because I think you guys were there about the same time we were. Did you enjoy flying Alaskan because I didn't really enjoy flying Hawaiian!
We had no problem with Alaskan, it was a pretty nice flight and free Mai Tai's!!! That's what I'm talkin about!