Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hard to explain

So, I think I decided to just stay home. But, I also need to get out. Back when I was living at home I made time to get out and go to the gym almost everyday, I was able to make it happen because I was around family willing to watch Abigail for an hour or two. A few weeks ago Vinnie said something about how being home is still really new and weird and every once in awhile he needs to get out on his own. Completely understandable, so every once in awhile he'll go to the store or pick up food, etc. without us. He also "gets" to go to work to get a "break" I know I'm throwing those words around loosely, I know work isn't a break, but maybe you know what I mean. I also need these breaks. I need time to clear my mind and just be stress free for a little bit. Normally if I get a minute (like when Abigail is napping, more like if) I try to get a quick rest because I can't sleep at night, but I want something more. So i'm thinking about joining a gym again.
Now, I know on post I can go to a gym for free and get free child care while I work out. So, i should just go there, BUT it takes at least 20 minutes to get there and when I get there the child care might be full...doesn't sound stress free to me. I know that's where Vinnie want me to go and maybe if I lived closer, I would. I'm thinking about doing LA Fitness since it is literally 5 seconds away from my house and it reminds me of Globo Gym from DodgeballThis is LA Fitness

Best pic of Globo Gym I could find

I know I would use it, probably everyday, they have child care but I'm not sure of the cost and I'm a little nervous about getting scammed into a long term contract on accident. I really think I'd go though, but I don't know...ugh.

On a better note I had lunch with a friend today and it was nice, haven't hung out since the boys got back and now she's moving :( If we stay in I'll be following her to Benning so that's cool. She has been a real mentor for me, I don't know if I would have made it this far as an army wife without her! Ok nighty night!


  1. I think joining a gym would be a fantastic idea. You could also see if LA Fitness offers a military discount. You never know!

  2. I can give you info on another gym here in town if you are interested, I think they are running a special this month and they do work with military. If need be, I'll watch Abigail and you and Vinnie can go work out together! If they don't offer you anything, let me know, I know the manager! LOL! ;-)
